How to deploy a React app from GitHub to Netlify

Vahid Akhtar
3 min readApr 4, 2020

I am going to explain how can you deploy your react application to Netlify in some simple steps.

Create a react application and save to GitHub

Create account of Netlify

Netlify is a hosting platform where you can build, deploy, and manage modern web applications. There is lots of things that you can do with Netlify.

Netlify offers a free plan. So first, we will log in to Netlify using any one of the options- Email, Bitbucket, Github, Gitlab.

Netlify login

Select Github-(you can select any option to login)

if not logged in, login screen will show.

GitHub username,password

after filling username and password of GitHub it will ask to authorize

Authorize netlify

Once authorized, you will be redirected to your dashboard.


Here you can see i already deployed one application that’s why it’s showing one application in dashboard but for you it will be blank if deploying first time.

Click on New site from Git(right-top) button and you will be on Create a new site.


Select GitHub, then your list of repository will show. Search and select your application to deploy from your list of repository showing below.

I have created a simple react application using create-react-app and pushed to GitHub.

Once you select your application(ReactRedux-demo), screen will show to deploy.

Click on Deploy site button

And ready to see your deployed application of ReactRedux-demo


You can see an auto generated link which is your deployed application url, click to see your live running application.


Yay!…your application is live now.

You can purchase and create your own domain name If you want.(

I hope you have found this post informative and helpful. I would love to hear your feedback!.

